Saturday 20 February 2016

The rejections continue...

Yesterday I had a reply from an agent I had submitted to on 20th August last year, 5 months ago. I had given up ever hearing from her, though I was really pleased to get the email as this agency represent three authors of a similar style to me: Santa Montefiore, Rachel Hore and Lucinda Riley.

It was heartening to hear that this agent likes to consider each submission thoroughly, hence the delay. She said:

"While I enjoyed reading your submission, which stood out from the many we receive, I'm afraid I didn't feel enthusiastic enough about the material to take it further. I feel your work would benefit from further editing and refinement. I would encourage you not to give up on this work and if you do polish this further, consider resubmitting to Curtis Brown in the future."

This is very encouraging! So why do a few months of editing and refining fill me with a sense of lethargy? 

I am now thinking about doing something I never thought I would... Paying someone for some professional editorial services. This means I will totally become a writer, the kind that can say "Oh, my Editor says...".

There are several different options, depending on how advanced your manuscript is:
  1. A review of the first chunk of your novel, the 'package' you will send to agents (£100-£150)
  2. A manuscript critique looking at the overall plot (around £350-£500)
  3. Substansive Editing - this service can vary between editors, but largely it is editing for plot, pacing, characterisation, style and flow, flagging up specific passages for improvement, with suggestions. More expensive than a manuscript critique.
  4. Line Editing or Copy Editing - looks at sentences for logic, clarity and efficiency
  5. Proof reading - checks for errors
I'm somewhere around 1-3. Would love to hear from anyone that has used professional services and can make recommendations.

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